If your product does not communicate with our servers, you will not be able to add it to your customer account.

  • Check that the gateway connected to the internet box (USB and RJ45) has its two green LEDs fixed: if the network LED is flashing, disconnect and reconnect your gateway, then restart your internet box.


  • The heating module connected to your heating system must have its power LED (left LED) and its network LED (right LED) lit and fixed: if the network LED is flashing, the problem is your thermostat and your heating module are not associated.

To associate the thermostat with the module, detach the thermostat from its base and approach the module with the thermostat. As soon as the house appears on the thermostat, stick the thermostat to the heating module to associate them. The network LED on the module should be fixed.


If you are unable to get your product to work again, you can contact customer service via contact@comapsmarthome.com

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