1) No transmission from the gateway :
There are 2 LEDs on the gateway :
- power
- internet network
Both LEDs should be lit and steady. If one LED is blinking, it means the gateway doesn't have access to the internet.
You may try the following actions :
- Unplug your gateway
- Restart the internet box / router
- Wait a few minutes
- Plug the gateway back on your router
- If the problem continues, change the RJ45 port
- If the problem continues, take a mobile phone charger and use it to power the gateway
- If the problem continues, change the Ethernet cable
If your problem isn't solved, please get in touch with our customer service.
2) No transmission from the heating module :
- Unclip the heating module
- Wait a few minutes
- Clip it back again
If LEDs are broken, you can check transmissions on the app in the "My products / zones" tab.
If your problem isn't solved, please get in touch with our customer service.
3) No transmission from thermostat :
First, check that gateway and heating module are transmitting. Thermostat only 'speaks' through the heating module, if the heating module doesn't communicate, the thermostat can't communicate.
- Your thermostat doesn't wake up : change the batteries
- The thermostat displays the logo network + ! : bring your thermostat at a few centimetres distance from the heating module and wake up your thermostat. The thermostat should display a double arrow, then the temperature.
If not, please try the following : Pairing your thermostat
- Thermostat displays : ↔ ! , please try the following : Pairing your thermostat
If your problem isn't solved, please get in touch with our customer service.
4) No transmission from thermostatic head :
First check that the gateway is communicating
- The problem happens at the installation? If you can't see the head in your app, our servers may not have received the pairing transmission. In that case, wake the head near the gateway and leave it besides the gateway. Wait for about 10 minutes.
- The problem happens after the installation?
- If the head doesn't wake up : take off the batteries, wait for 2 minutes, put back the batteries
- If the problem continues : change the batteries, observing the correct polarity
If there is a communication problem with your products, it is important not to delete them from your customer account.
If your problem is not solved, do not hesitate to contact us via contact@comapsmarthome.com.